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I recently began writing for the incredible physical print Patch Magazine; a mag focused on all things indie gaming!


You can check out my content below!

Projects: Bio


I had the opportunity to work with SCREENSHOT Media and produce articles on a wide variety of subject from celebrity news to the latest in video game trends.


I was asked with bringing a gaming angle to the publication and created various video game orientated pieces including a bi-weekly gaming news article.


Checkout all my content below!

Projects: Welcome


Follow Puddel, a naïve sentient science experiment on his quest to travel the world! 

Puddel is a 3D puzzle platformer with a twist. Utilize a unique camera panel system to melt, evaporate and solidify your way through the levels. With the help of your friend Chip, help Puddel escape the house and explore the globe!


I worked on Puddel as the writer and narrative designer and used the Unity plugin Fungus to bring the adorable Puddel and Chip to life. For this project I liaised with outside sources to create voice acting for Chip and Puddel, something I hadn't attempted before and enjoyed doing thoroughly.


You can download and play Puddel


Projects: Welcome


Help an octopus and her friends to escape a testing facility and out of the clutches of a pair of evil scientists!


INK'D is a puzzle platformer set in a vast animal testing facility. Captured by the evil Dr. Wissenschaft, who wishes to create an army of robotic and genetically augmented sea creatures to take over the world, Bubbles the Octopus must escape with her friends, utilizing her special stretchy tentacles to swing, fling and launch herself to freedom and put a stop to the Doctor's evil plans!

I worked on INK'D as the writer and narrative designer, building the world and developing fun and lovable characters. I used Fungus, a plugin for Unity to create the dialogue for the game and craft meaningful and comical conversations between the characters.


You can play INK'D here and watch the trailer below!

Projects: Projects


Over the summer of 2018 we were tasked with a creating a world to help us once development started in September. Being a writer, and someone who is heavily interested in world building, I leapt into this challenge. I drew inspiration form sources such as J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings and Team Cherry's Hollow Knight and thus, the world of Ellandour was born.


In summary, Ellandour is a land inhabited by insects and is split into five distinct regions, each with their own native insects, traditions and customs. I decided to craft this world as seen from the point of view of one of Ellandour's citizens, mainly a cleric of the main religion in Ellandour who chronicles it's history. The world is presented in the form of a guide book. It details Ellandour's history, as well as what you can expect to find in the main cities and the points of interest that are worth visiting.


To really make this world feel believable, I created a real life physical version of this guide book which you can see images of below.


If you wish to find out more about Ellandour, you can find the online version of the guidebook below!


As of May 2020 I have begun the early stages of development on a 2D game that will take place in Ellandour. More to be announced in the future, so check the Blog sections for updates!

Ellandour Guide Book.jpg
Projects: Text

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